dissabte, 30 de novembre del 2013

The roadmap to independence

Twenty three thematic assemblies and strategic discussions on the future status Catalan are the skeleton of the meeting by the Popular Unity today is the Broad Institute 's Badalona and involved a thousand people. 

To this day , the organizers want to draw up a roadmap for independence shared by social movements , institutions and organizations with transformative and disruptive ; define the foundations of a new model of society we want , and what structures which model the social, economic cultural and would like to be discussed in the creation of a new state , as articulated struggles analyze the institutional counter and fight . 

' With the support of the CUP , the meeting was organized from a cridafet different figures and representatives from various social movements and trade unions, as Benedict Salellas , Eva Fernandez , Sergio Saladié Gabriela Sierra Xavi Sarria Julia de Jòdar , Marta Serra, Richard Vilaregut , Gerald and George Martin Pisarello Source . 

During the morning will be twenty assemblies on various issues related to territory , language , culture and social rights . At a quarter to two in the afternoon will present the ' rebel map of the Catalan Countries ' . After lunch it's time for strategic discussions between 16.00 and 20.00 on the roadmap to independence, the foundations of a new model of society and the articulation between fights . 

 Given the large number of entries , the organizers have planned that the debates can be followed live on the internet. In addition , the results of the discussions will be published later in the same site of the encounter .

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