dilluns, 2 de desembre del 2013

The president of the Liberal International calls on Rajoy to allow consultation Catalunya

The President of the Generalitat , Artur Mas , stressed on Monday the " conspicuous absence " of government proposals in the Catalan sovereignty debate, a situation which, in his opinion, " not understood " internationally.
The Catalan President has delivered the Trias Fargas Memorial Award , awarded by the Foundation Llibertat i Democràcia linked to CDC, Hans van Baalen , president of the Liberal International . After the speech of Hans van Baalen , who has defended the right to decide Catalans , But at a time when the parties should determine before the end of the year the question and date of consultation , has defended the sovereignty process to do " with rigor" , "firmness " and " serenity " to avoid " making a fool " .
In the same line that has been expressed Van Baalen , Mas has stated that the role model is the United Kingdom, which has authorized an independence consultation in Scotland in 2014 , as the Catalan government "does not impose" but " negotiate. " "It's logical" British Prime Minister David Cameron and Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy to "defend the unity of his statements ," but " there is a difference" is that " the British left the Scots vote " has Catalan president said .
But he criticized that , in the current context , the Spanish State raises no proposals to be " attractive " to Catalonia: " The conspicuous absence of motion - bit state is internationally understood ," he assured . The Catalan chief executive has also claimed that Europe "does not spare anyone " and that Europe is the "natural home " of the Catalans.

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