dissabte, 23 de novembre del 2013

The question of the ANC: 'Would you like Catalonia to be an independent state?'

National Secretariat of the ANC has published today the Declaration of November , his first solemn manifesto purely political concerns following the slowness of the process. The organization requires more precision and more courageous steps towards the exercise of self-determination and proposes , for example, a question for the consultation to be done , ' irrenunciablement ' , 2014 : ' Catalonia wants to be an independent state ? '

The statement read in Seva (Barcelona ), also considered ' inalienable ' that becomes a question about the political future of Catalonia in 2014 , preferably before 31 May 2014. In fact, believed to be called ' the moment when specifying the applicable legal framework . " With regard to the request of the Spanish parliament congress to organize the consultation, sercretariat says , ' can not be an excuse for delaying it . "

The declaration also calls for ANC unity among parties and decide in favor of the proposed law is made visible with a broad spectrum of socio-political candidacy "in the European elections on 25 May next , ' you may have the support of maximum number of political and popular movements ' .

The last point says that the ANC ' will closely follow the evolution of the situation and , if necessary, call for new protests guarantee the democratic right of citizens to be consulted . "

After reading the manifesto, the president of the organization, Carmen Forcadell insisted on some key points , such that " consultation is waived in 2014 ' and that the question should be clear and uniform , ' but should be on independence ' . He released : ' We hope that the parties and the institutions around them and demonstrate their commitment to giving a date and a clear question . '

' To move forward we have historical significance . To drive this country to demand political representatives and parties ' , he added : " The challenge before us , if only we will achieve together . We demonstrate courage and bravery . But we will succeed . '

The members of the Secretariat of the ANC who are considered ' essential moral authority ' to make a step forward and express their demands to the politicians . "We touch the scabs parties ' , said the sources consulted by the ANC VilaWeb before today's event Seva . The lack of understanding and exposure constant disagreements on key issues of sovereignty process ' are two of the issues that concern the organization , who believes that ' still prevails mass party interest above the interest of the country ' . ' It is also worrying - he said - the slowness with which the Lead lack of specificity in the steps required to exercise the right to decide . '

Need of Declaration of November

In a statement to announce the presentation of the Declaration of November at noon today Seva , the ANC explains his intentions : " Given the current political context , with the expectation that before the end of the in the announcement date and the question to ask the people of Catalonia and the European elections on 25 May on the horizon , the ANC considers necessary to disclose its stance on the challenges facing the country . '

I continued : ' In this sense, despite the feeling of uncertainty exists , the national secretariat will announce the Declaration of November , a seven-point document that transfers the calls that much of civil society and the almost two million Catalans who Via the Catalan part Eleventh of September last . '

Also show respect for each function : " While we respect the role that belongs to everyone , representatives of the ANC want to make it clear what the majority of Catalan society outcry regarding the consultation , the essential unit action between parties , institutions and civil society to address the process successfully , and European elections . '

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