dissabte, 16 de novembre del 2013

The Catalan fiscal deficit and Sala-i-Martin on Russia Today

If independence, Catalonia win every year about 16,000 million. This is one of the conclusions of the article ' The dividend tax of independence ' , published last November by Xavier Sala-i- Martin , in the Wilson Initiative , which are also part Antràs Pol professors , Carles Boix , Jordi Gali , and Jaume Ventura Gerard Register . A few months ago the Catalan group The Project was summarized in a video outlining the arguments in this article. And now , the Spanish version of the Russia Today channel associated with the crisis and independence Catalan includes this video of The Project :

The presenter said the video and extracted the main figures , as 30% of the taxes paid Catalonia no end ever returning to the Principality , which translates into 16,000 million a year. And remember that the fiscal deficit of Catalonia suffers about Spain , which is 8 percent , the highest in the world. I figure compares with other cases, such as in Flanders , where it is 4.4% . At one point the program connects connects two economists .

Invite an economist associated with the FAES and Sala i MartínFirst, Angel de la Fuente , senior researcher of Institute of Economic Analysis and coauthor of the report of the FAES ' Tax Myth ', which is totally against independence and data provided by the video . And second , Xavier Sala -i-Martin explains that the data are perfectly transparent and that independence would be a solution to overcome the crisis both in Catalonia and to scare .

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