dissabte, 23 de novembre del 2013

Yes in a referendum consolidates above the 70%

Should such Catalonia held a referendum on independence, if we get 54.7 % of the vote , confirming itself as the preferred choice of the Catalans . Supporters are 22% , while the abstainers are below 16% . These data last barometer Opinion Research Center ( study PDF ) released yesterday. But as a referendum votes only count with data from CEOs and discounts abstentions , blank votes and undecided if they exceed the 71 % and not 29 % would not .

Given this distinction , in November 2012, 73.6 % would have voted yes to independence and 26.4 %, in February 2013, 72.6 % and 27.4% in June 2013 and a 70.4 % and 29.6 %.
The trend between it and did not stay for a year, the director of CEO , George Argelaguet , is attributed to the maturity of debate among citizens .
The evolution of yes and no in a referendum for independence is stable for more than a year. Those in favor of it are above 50% with peaks that reach 57 % in October 2012, after the first major manifestation of September Eleventh . In the third wave Barometer 2013 this support reaches 54.7 %. As for the not remains to 22.1 %. A lower percentage Argelaguet clarifies : " The referendum is called and no one knows exactly what would not question ." Two factors , he said, would help to further clarify the results of the question, although it is believed that there are any radical change .
Distribution suggests that most voters would support the ERC would be yes , that 94% would vote in favor of independence. 82% of the CUP and 81% of the CiU would also do the new independent state , in terms ICV , it would be the majority with 52.2 %, while 23% of ecosocialists vote no.
Among supporters , not PPS voters reject independence in 87% , the C 's by 84 % and 61% in the PSC . In the case of the PPC and the rest C 's refrain , but the PSC by 12.3% would vote yes .

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