dissabte, 2 de novembre del 2013

Junqueras disarms the 'moderate' in a debate on TVE

It seems that one of the strategies of those who are self-proclaimed 'moderate' process in relation to sovereignty is to sow doubts about the question to be decided by referendum on independence. To make clear the intentions of most sovereigntist, president of ERC Oriol Junqueras replied with three Twitter Status will this confusion. I made ​​it clear that ERC 'will not stand alone defending a clear question to answer explicit'. He also explained that grows together in his leadership and judgment that one who will be some old and new establishments'.

Besides these three Status, Junqueras participated in yesterday's debate Spanish Television and defended the right of self-determination for Catalonia and explained the reasons that lead to the majority of Catalans want independence.

ERC no està disposada a acceptar que la consulta no pregunti directament sobre la independència. El seu president, Oriol Junqueras, ho ha deixat ben clar aquest divendres a Navarcles durant una xerrada amb simpatitzants. 'Volem que quan parlem se'ns entengui. I si el que tenim davant és saber com convertim Catalunya en un país independent, la pregunta ha d'anar sobre la independència del nostre país', ha exclamat davant les cinc-centes persones que han omplert el teatre municipal. El líder republicà ha carregat directament contra les preguntes 'arbre', aquelles que inclouen diferents opcions de 'sí', i contra aquells grups que les defensen: 'ni arbres ni foscor. Volem que tothom ens entengui'. 

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