dimarts, 1 d’octubre del 2013

The President met yesterday with Vice-Presidents of the European Commission Olli Rehn and Maros Sefcovic

The EU has encountered such a case , there are precedents . It can happen and can happen with Scotland to Catalonia , and over time perhaps in more places . At some point the EU will consider how solve the case of a land that meets all standards with EU citizens and want to have a different status , "said yesterday the president of the Generalitat, Artur Mas , from Brussels. I said Mariano Rajoy , who had asked from Kazakhstan gestures of grandeur . ' Do not ask to accept the independence of Catalonia , but we recognize the right to decide , "said Mas .
Mas had spoken with the Commissioners of the process of independence ? , Was asked in a press conference in Brussels . ' If you ask me about a topic , reply . If not, do not speak , " the president said referring to the contacts provided for in this trip. But used the press conference to send a message to Brussels : " We have the intellectual honesty to recognize that policy and there is no precedent. And if Europe has always wanted to integrate, to address the case with great interest because the land remains where it was . Everything else may be interested stance . '

He stressed that the Catalans had ' all the rights of citizenship accumulated since 1986 , "which Catalonia fulfill all EU legislation and from the first day had been a net contributor : ' There has always been more money than it has received in contrast to Spain. '

He also understood that it was time that the EC was pronounced ' background ' of the process : ' He has not been studied and have the political and intellectual honesty to recognize that there is precedents. The logical thing that Europe has always done is try not to lose anyone and integrate as much as possible . ' And again: "We must apply common sense and not be angry soon, because the feeling that comes over the stomach not the reason. And that must be addressed viscerally , but rightly , common sense , which means that the European citizens can decide what they want political status . '

But he acknowledged that the Government had turned diplomatic contacts , ' both in and outside the EU ' to explain what happened in Catalonia: ' We transfer information to know what happens and what we do . The channeling and go wherever we have to come, and will intensify . [...] The Spanish state is not indifferent and acts with a lot of energy to try to Catalonia does not move on the international scene . Spain does not help , so we employ other means to get information. '

This trip to Brussels was the first who made ​​Mas after the success of the Catalan way . The meetings today were with senior representatives of the European Commission vice -president Olli Rehn , Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs , the Vice- President Maros Sefcovic , Commissioner responsible for inter-institutional relations and administration , and the Commissioner of Employment , Social Affairs and Inclusion , Lazslo Andor .

According to the government , these meetings are part of the relationship ' usual fluid ' that the Government has with the European institutions , both directly and through delegation to the European Union . But clearly made ​​in a time of great political importance in Catalonia.

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