dijous, 3 d’octubre del 2013

Born in Baix Llobregat castellanohablantes group for independence

A group of citizens of the Baix Llobregat have presented Thursday Yourself Up, a new public platform that brings together people who speak Castilian and born outside Catalonia , who are in favor of independence. 

The new entity , to be presented at the Cultural Center of L' Hospitalet Bellvitge , was born in the metropolitan area of ​​Barcelona , one of the areas where , traditionally , the independence has had less presence as most of its inhabitants migrated to Catalonia in the 60s and 70s. 

The platform has released a video with some of its members explain their testimony and that in five days has gotten more than 120,000 views on the Internet. The association president , Eduardo Reyes , remember that the initiative came from a group of friends from different municipalities of the Baix Llobregat and ensures that success will " overflow " , so do not rule open new offices in other areas of Catalonia . " None of us was independence but every day we have new reasons to get farther away . 're Drowning in Catalonia and it is best that we leave to stop treating us like a colony " , considered the head of the entity. The organization was created to mobilize in the Barcelona metropolitan area to "do understand " the people "need to make an inquiry " about the future of Catalonia . "We intend to provide information for people to be well informed of the situation when there is consultation. Need to vote a person before knowing the arguments of his vote, but still find uninformed people or influenced by fear ," said the Súmate responsible . 

The company has issued a manifesto in which is presented as a non -profit , non-partisan , consisting of citizens and civic and social organizations , and has aimed to " extend the open political and social debate in Catalonia about their future as people. " "Join advocates an open, democratic and participatory to include Catalan often been excluded or opinion , kidnapped by misinformation , ignorance or prejudice ," according to the manifest. The organization denounces " the destruction of the welfare state and social policy drowning , which in Catalonia means lost opportunities and increased social exclusion " and remember: " among this population are those who just came for the future better in Catalunya . and we and our children have helped to generate enough wealth to be able to have a welfare state . " In its manifesto , the entity accused " governments around the Spanish State " to " belittle " the "needs and just demands of Catalan society " and believes " the time has come for us to work as one people and build a new country. "

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