divendres, 4 d’octubre del 2013

The Minister of Economy denounced the "ongoing attack" by the government and its contempt for Catalonia

The Minister of Economy of Catalonia, Andreu Mas-Colell has lambasted the state budget and expense to Catalonia: "We attacked in what is central in our personality" and "aggression is continuous with the law Wert and infrastructure, "he complained. Thus, the beneficial owner of the Government regretted that the fact is that Catalonia is in a bad economic time, since the levels of investment and growth have increased, but "we are attacked" by the state. Despite the angry criticism, the minister does not believe that this economic abuse is a consequence of the Government sovereignist agenda because "even if we had been good boys, not the process by half, the state budget would have been the same and we have tried just as bad ". 

Thus, Mas-Colell believes that government accounts are a reflection of the government's contempt is popular towards autonomy, and has nothing to do with the process Catalan. In addition, the head said that "suggestions" that receives the Government to change the screenplay are "constants", but has rejected this possibility, so that only one script to change: the PP. "It's the story of a PP that even before the crisis has had a policy to change the covenant of the Transition, which has no tolerance for diversity and aspires to a homogeneous Spain where many Catalans do not fit," he criticized.

Thus, this process continues, "and there is the law Wert, who is very aggressive." Mas-Colell also gave as examples the differential treatment that the State gives Barajas airport and El Prat, so that when the Spaniard has problems "is a national emergency" and when has the Barcelona, "is law of life.

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