dissabte, 26 d’octubre del 2013

Brussels opens the round of international presentations of'' In a span of independence '

With over fifty submissions already made in all the Catalan Vincent Partal now begins a round of presentations in cities in other countries of his book ' In a span of independence ' .
The first will be on Wednesday in Brussels, the headquarters of the Space Catalonia -Europe . The presentation will be at seven in the evening , organized by the ANC and the act will also display their collective Charlemagne .
The second international presentations as lead director aparaulades VilaWeb in Luxembourg. The Grand Duchy presentation will be held on November 12 at an event organized by the Centre Catalan Luxembourg.
The third international presentations planned so far is the capital of Occitania in Toulouse .
They take place on the seventh day of November and is organized by Radio Occitan and Catalan Centre Toulouse.

dilluns, 21 d’octubre del 2013

Graham Watson sees no problem with Catalonia EU membership

The President of the European Liberals, Sir Graham Watson, Liberal Democrat MEP for South West England and Gibraltar, whose cause is supported by the Catalan Government, is reported by VilaWeb to have stated that he sees no problem with independent Catalan membership of the EU:

“Spain is one of only five countries that have not yet recognized Kosovo, but I think we need to wake up and recognize that we no longer live in the eighteenth century. This is not a period of kings and nation states. It’s a period of people working together through their democratically expressed will, and that should be as clear to a Castilian as to anyone else.”

“The European Union has to be a sufficiently strong but sufficiently flexible entity to allow people to express themselves within it, and that may mean some changes to boundaries. But we are democrats, and if that is what the majority wants, then that is what must happen.”

dijous, 17 d’octubre del 2013

As Secession Talk Swells in Catalonia, Business Leaders Remain Wary of Costs

SANT SADURNÍ D’ANOIA, Spain — Sparkling Cava wine has become an emblem of Catalonia as one of the strongest exports from Spain’s northeastern region. Over the last decade, annual shipments of cava have climbed about 50 percent, to 161 million bottles. 

Migrant workers in Freixenet’s vineyards.
Which is why cava’s producers show no desire to embrace the Catalan secessionist drive that is posing a serious challenge to Spain’s central government, led by Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy. 

Toni de la Rosa Torelló, whose family has owned its winemaking estate since 1395, said that “making the most representative product of Catalonia does not mean we want to be represented in this political debate.”
José Luis Bonet Ferrer, the president of Freixenet, the largest producer of cava, said, “Businessmen have the right to worry if politicians create tensions rather than seek dialogue.” 

The attitude of such Catalan executives matters because a key premise in the secessionist argument is that Catalonia, which accounts for almost a fifth of Spain’s economic output, would flourish economically if it broke ties with the rest of the economically lagging nation. Some businesspeople are not so certain. 

It is not just the cava vintners saying this, but also executives from the spectrum of industries that make up Catalonia’s 200 billion euro economy, roughly equivalent to that of Portugal. The region blends a powerful financial-services sector, led by the big bank La Caixa, with a strong industrial base that includes traditional sectors like car manufacturing as well as scientific research and medical technology. 

This week the Catalan regional government, led by Artur Mas, quantified exactly what it thought the central government owed Catalonia, in terms of insufficient investments and fiscal disadvantages: 9.4 billion euros, including 5.8 billion euros of infrastructure spending. 

In response, the central government said on Wednesday that it would soon publish its own set of figures to dismantle the Catalan claim that the region’s contribution to the national economy and its tax revenue is far more than what it gets back from Madrid. 

But with Spain expected to post economic data for the third quarter showing that it has finally emerged from a two-year recession — its second downturn since 2008 — Catalan businesspeople say they worry less about what Mr. Mas thinks Madrid owes his region and more about whether political instability could hamper Spain’s prospects of returning to precrisis growth levels. “In any diverse society, there are different points of view, but it’s clear entrepreneurs prefer to operate in a context of certainty,” said Salvador Alemany, the chairman of Abertis, which is based in the Catalan capital, Barcelona, and which is one of Europe’s biggest operators of toll roads and airports. “Consensus is always better than conflict.” 

Still, there has been little sign of consensus of late. In September, hundreds of thousands of pro-independence people joined hands to form a human chain across Catalonia. Following that show of force, Mr. Mas said Catalonia would forge ahead with plans to hold a referendum on independence next year, despite Madrid’s warning that such a vote would violate Spanish law.
Mr. Rajoy recently called on Mr. Mas to show “magnanimity” and drop the r
eferendum plan. Mr. Mas responded that it was instead for Mr. Rajoy to be magnanimous and give Catalans the right to vote. 

Catalans have long defended their ancestral culture and language. But secessionism shifted from fringe to mainstream political thinking a little more than a year ago after Mr. Mas failed to convince Mr. Rajoy that Catalonia should be allowed to reduce its contribution to a fiscal system that redistributes part of the tax revenues to other, poorer regions of Spain. Catalonia’s 7.5 million inhabitants represent 16 percent of the Spanish population. 

But Catalonia has also benefited from being part of greater Spain. For example, it was the 1992 Olympics — in part financed by the Madrid government — that helped transform Barcelona into one of Europe’s most visited cities, with more than seven million tourists a year, compared with one million before.
Some Catalan executives have clearly embraced secessionism, particularly members of the 100-strong business association called FemCAT, set up to help Catalonia “take its place on the world and European stage,” according to its 2004 founding manifesto.
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dimecres, 16 d’octubre del 2013

Do you understand why we do not stay in Spain?

Was announced like a surprise and finally was a nasty parody of what they can do. Thirty at most , fascists have concentrated on the six o'clock the square Bruc watched a spectacular consisting of police units Brim , a helicopter and several police patrols .
It's 2013 or 1936 ?
The organizer is very young Frente por España , a new training -right made ​​three weeks ago and made ​​according to their spokesmen for youth in Barcelona.

Thirty men and women , some with faces covered with symbols and all - Espanyol as flags , eagles have traveled the distance between Bruc Square and Avenida Maria Cristina Barcelona , chanting cries such as " Artur Mas the camera gas "," Red cabrón "," Immigration , Deportation , "" us engañan Catalonia is not Spain " or " Columbus was Spanish . "

The protesters have had several clashes with neighbors outlining the rebuke from the balcony. In fact, some neighbors and verbally insulted others accompanied their complaints obvious gestures that touched obscenity .

Half an hour after the march began . The thirty protesters and their megaphone have come to Montjuic . " Señor Urbano finalizamos ¿Where the Manifestation ? " He asked spokesman Frente por España . When they were informed that the site has assigned police have arrested a must read that will show the history of pacifism and sang the sun in the face . If not for the gravity of what they have got to say , it would have been a sad parody of horror .

divendres, 4 d’octubre del 2013

The Minister of Economy denounced the "ongoing attack" by the government and its contempt for Catalonia

The Minister of Economy of Catalonia, Andreu Mas-Colell has lambasted the state budget and expense to Catalonia: "We attacked in what is central in our personality" and "aggression is continuous with the law Wert and infrastructure, "he complained. Thus, the beneficial owner of the Government regretted that the fact is that Catalonia is in a bad economic time, since the levels of investment and growth have increased, but "we are attacked" by the state. Despite the angry criticism, the minister does not believe that this economic abuse is a consequence of the Government sovereignist agenda because "even if we had been good boys, not the process by half, the state budget would have been the same and we have tried just as bad ". 

Thus, Mas-Colell believes that government accounts are a reflection of the government's contempt is popular towards autonomy, and has nothing to do with the process Catalan. In addition, the head said that "suggestions" that receives the Government to change the screenplay are "constants", but has rejected this possibility, so that only one script to change: the PP. "It's the story of a PP that even before the crisis has had a policy to change the covenant of the Transition, which has no tolerance for diversity and aspires to a homogeneous Spain where many Catalans do not fit," he criticized.

Thus, this process continues, "and there is the law Wert, who is very aggressive." Mas-Colell also gave as examples the differential treatment that the State gives Barajas airport and El Prat, so that when the Spaniard has problems "is a national emergency" and when has the Barcelona, "is law of life.

dijous, 3 d’octubre del 2013

Born in Baix Llobregat castellanohablantes group for independence

A group of citizens of the Baix Llobregat have presented Thursday Yourself Up, a new public platform that brings together people who speak Castilian and born outside Catalonia , who are in favor of independence. 

The new entity , to be presented at the Cultural Center of L' Hospitalet Bellvitge , was born in the metropolitan area of ​​Barcelona , one of the areas where , traditionally , the independence has had less presence as most of its inhabitants migrated to Catalonia in the 60s and 70s. 

The platform has released a video with some of its members explain their testimony and that in five days has gotten more than 120,000 views on the Internet. The association president , Eduardo Reyes , remember that the initiative came from a group of friends from different municipalities of the Baix Llobregat and ensures that success will " overflow " , so do not rule open new offices in other areas of Catalonia . " None of us was independence but every day we have new reasons to get farther away . 're Drowning in Catalonia and it is best that we leave to stop treating us like a colony " , considered the head of the entity. The organization was created to mobilize in the Barcelona metropolitan area to "do understand " the people "need to make an inquiry " about the future of Catalonia . "We intend to provide information for people to be well informed of the situation when there is consultation. Need to vote a person before knowing the arguments of his vote, but still find uninformed people or influenced by fear ," said the Súmate responsible . 

The company has issued a manifesto in which is presented as a non -profit , non-partisan , consisting of citizens and civic and social organizations , and has aimed to " extend the open political and social debate in Catalonia about their future as people. " "Join advocates an open, democratic and participatory to include Catalan often been excluded or opinion , kidnapped by misinformation , ignorance or prejudice ," according to the manifest. The organization denounces " the destruction of the welfare state and social policy drowning , which in Catalonia means lost opportunities and increased social exclusion " and remember: " among this population are those who just came for the future better in Catalunya . and we and our children have helped to generate enough wealth to be able to have a welfare state . " In its manifesto , the entity accused " governments around the Spanish State " to " belittle " the "needs and just demands of Catalan society " and believes " the time has come for us to work as one people and build a new country. "

dimecres, 2 d’octubre del 2013

The Israeli ambassador to Madrid is "unacceptable" that the Holocaust is used in the critical independence.

The Israeli ambassador to Spain, Alon Bar, warned on Wednesday that he considers "unacceptable" and "a mistake" to refer to the Jewish Holocaust or debate when discussing the independence of Catalonia.
Bar was speaking at the launch of Sort (culd) of the proposed signaling scenarios of Jewish refugees fleeing the Pyrenees during World War II, made ​​by the Province of Lleida.

"Using these terms in the context of conflict and debate the difference of opinions on the subject Catalan seems wrong and unacceptable use," said Bar, as it understands that it is "tasteless" use of "a terrible historical tragedy "as an argument like this in this type of political discussions.

Despite opinion on this point, Bar has avoided ruling on the independence process that wants to start the Catalan government, although it has again said that Israel intends to open its next European consulate in Catalonia, as has already other times.

Letter from a student canary in the Country: 'Catalonia, you are free'

Eduardo Almeida Medina és un estudiant canari de vint-i-un any que en fa tres que estudia publicitat i relacions públiques a Barcelona. Avui el diari El País publica una carta seva titulada 'La meva experiència a Catalunya', en què es declara sorprès per la gent de fora que hi ha anat a viure i que diu que ha rebut un mal tracte pel fet de parlar en castellà. 'Hem viscut en la mateixa Catalunya que surt al mapa?', es demana Almeida. 'En cap moment no he estat discriminat pel fet de ser de fora, de no parlar català i simplement de no compartir els ideals diversos que tenen. Això no treu que un servidor no aprengui català (que ho fa) ni que no aprengui la cultura i història d'aquesta terra (que ho fa).'
I acaba demanant: 'No deixem que els prejudicis infectin la nostra ment, parlem sabent de què parlem i demano també que no estiguem disposats a acceptar l'opinió d'uns com un dogma indiscutible, perquè pot ser que ens n'arribem a penedir, com ha passat a molta gent. Catalunya, ets lliure.'

Catalonia calling. What the world has to know

The magazine "Sapiens" seeks ambassadors to the world because Catalan. With this objective has launched a crowdfunding campaign "The world should know it," which aims to bring 10,000 people to the world's most influential a book about the political situation in Catalonia and the reasons that it has become independent. Personalities from politics, entertainment and sport are part of the list of recipients, which can find names like Barack Obama, Angela Merkel, Angelina Jolie and Oprah Winfrey.
The book, "Catalonia calling. What you have to know the world", has been published so far in Catalan, Spanish and English and has presented Tuesday at Mercat del Born in Barcelona. Citizens wishing to participate in the campaign should register on the website of the initiative. You can not choose which character sends the book, but the assignment is done randomly, but each person will know what he has had.

The minimum contribution to participate in the campaign, open until late November, is 15 euros. In early December, the President of the Generalitat, Artur Mas will send the book to heads of state around the world, while the President of the Parliament will do with their counterparts from other European legislatures

dimarts, 1 d’octubre del 2013

No doubt the viability of Catalonia

In the debate in the Mon a Rac1 , professor of economics at the University of Barcelona , Francesc Granell , and the president of Catalan Business Centre , Albert Bridge , agreed on the " economic viability of an independent Catalonia ." During a face to face , both presented arguments for and against the Catalan independence process . While Bridge believes that " Catalonia has to assume some risk during the transition ," Granell warns that "indeed the problem Catalonia will be transition costs ."
 Albert Bridge , president of the Catalan Business Centre , said :

"Spain is an economic model that is virtually bankrupt , that does not work, and based on the cult of excess . "

" Spain must reform the model of autonomy . It does not work because the necessary competition between regions is not fair when the state favors some areas over others . "

" The Community of Madrid is more than a ministry . "

"There is no question the economic viability of Catalonia in the long term . Multinationals do not question the viability , but what will happen to Spain. "

" Catalonia has to assume some risk during the transition period . But the costs are not just assume Catalonia , also the neighboring countries . "

" The last three years Catalonia has had deficits with respect to benefits , but in Castile and Leon 16 of the last 20 years has had deficit . Optimal management of resources provides access to international financing . "

" Catalonia will have tariffs due to leave or stay in Spain . The concept of frontier has disappeared. "

" Spain has no influence in the United Nations . "

" Foreign investment in Catalonia , exports and tourism have continued after September 11 . And this, even though the international community knows that Catalonia has begun a process of secession . "

" Now the risk is not leaving Spain is to stay there . In the long run should end up paying a debt that has been taken and that do not help the development of Catalonia . "

"We must seek a political solution to minimize transition time . "

" In Catalonia we have made all possible industrial revolutions and have structures and democratic institutions . Therefore, the process of comparing arbitrarily Catalonia with other processes failed does not make sense . "

"We have reached an agreement with Spain for the division of property and debts. We have reached an agreement that does not harm anyone. "

" Those who stand as market Spain defends a type of protectionist and closed market . "

- " The Spanish market is important and necessary , but the world is much bigger . "

Francesc Granell , professor of international economic organization of the University of Barcelona and director general of the Honorary Commission , said :

- " Estimates show that the Spanish Government does not believe the state of the autonomies . "

- "With the budget , apart from the injustices territorial government is incapable of reforming government to reduce the deficit. "

- " An independent Catalonia would be economically viable in the long term . The problem is the transition costs would involve the creation of an independent state . "

- " Maria Dolores Cospedal is right when he says that Catalonia could not pay pensions now . But one reason is transitory . "

- " It's better under the umbrella of an economy is the sixth United Nations , rather than being alone . "

- " Catalonia is not arouse any interest for us to accept international organizations . Do not rely on international alliances because there is more interest with Spain with Catalonia . "

- "We have no multinationals or large economic forces that encourage governments to make a move in favor of Catalonia . "

- " The boycott of the state can be efecfiu in various investments , but what is important is the dynamics of the economy. And now it is creating a lot of uncertainty. "

- " It will take many years to return to normal in Catalonia. The more uncertainty we believe it will take to recover more private investment. "

- " No one knows the exact percentage fall in GDP that would Catalan independence. "

- " Now, Catalonia is relatively good . If we can not improve clearly better not touch things as they are . "

- " If the Spanish decided that an independent Catalonia would not have any problem because it is part of the European institutions and the United Nations . Costs can come from reprisals . "

The President met yesterday with Vice-Presidents of the European Commission Olli Rehn and Maros Sefcovic

The EU has encountered such a case , there are precedents . It can happen and can happen with Scotland to Catalonia , and over time perhaps in more places . At some point the EU will consider how solve the case of a land that meets all standards with EU citizens and want to have a different status , "said yesterday the president of the Generalitat, Artur Mas , from Brussels. I said Mariano Rajoy , who had asked from Kazakhstan gestures of grandeur . ' Do not ask to accept the independence of Catalonia , but we recognize the right to decide , "said Mas .
Mas had spoken with the Commissioners of the process of independence ? , Was asked in a press conference in Brussels . ' If you ask me about a topic , reply . If not, do not speak , " the president said referring to the contacts provided for in this trip. But used the press conference to send a message to Brussels : " We have the intellectual honesty to recognize that policy and there is no precedent. And if Europe has always wanted to integrate, to address the case with great interest because the land remains where it was . Everything else may be interested stance . '

He stressed that the Catalans had ' all the rights of citizenship accumulated since 1986 , "which Catalonia fulfill all EU legislation and from the first day had been a net contributor : ' There has always been more money than it has received in contrast to Spain. '

He also understood that it was time that the EC was pronounced ' background ' of the process : ' He has not been studied and have the political and intellectual honesty to recognize that there is precedents. The logical thing that Europe has always done is try not to lose anyone and integrate as much as possible . ' And again: "We must apply common sense and not be angry soon, because the feeling that comes over the stomach not the reason. And that must be addressed viscerally , but rightly , common sense , which means that the European citizens can decide what they want political status . '

But he acknowledged that the Government had turned diplomatic contacts , ' both in and outside the EU ' to explain what happened in Catalonia: ' We transfer information to know what happens and what we do . The channeling and go wherever we have to come, and will intensify . [...] The Spanish state is not indifferent and acts with a lot of energy to try to Catalonia does not move on the international scene . Spain does not help , so we employ other means to get information. '

This trip to Brussels was the first who made ​​Mas after the success of the Catalan way . The meetings today were with senior representatives of the European Commission vice -president Olli Rehn , Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs , the Vice- President Maros Sefcovic , Commissioner responsible for inter-institutional relations and administration , and the Commissioner of Employment , Social Affairs and Inclusion , Lazslo Andor .

According to the government , these meetings are part of the relationship ' usual fluid ' that the Government has with the European institutions , both directly and through delegation to the European Union . But clearly made ​​in a time of great political importance in Catalonia.

The Serbian nationalism had the same rhetoric that Madrid ', says ex-minister of Macedonia

Former Foreign Minister of Macedonia, Emil Kirjas, who held the position between 2004 and 2006, criticized the government's attitude towards the Spanish Catalan process. Speaking collected by the newspaper now Kirjas said: 'I can not believe that twenty years after [the Balkan war] heard the same rhetoric from Madrid who was Serbian nationalism.' Born Kirjas today visited the Cultural Center at the launch of the campaign to publicize the process Sapiens Catalan world.
The former Minister of Macedonia, is secretary general of the Liberal International also said it had been demonstrated that Europe was very Renu to promote policies that advance and, therefore, always reacting later. 'Do not be afraid, you will not be alone,' he said addressing the Catalans.
He added that the process of disintegration of Yugoslavia had nothing to do with the Catalan process from the point of view of history and experience.